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How to Manage Your Career & Climb that Ladder!: If you fill shelves for a living, it's because you applied for a job filling shelves!
This ebook includes a number of exercises and assignments that will enable you to answer all of your questions and teach you all you need to know in order for you to redesign your career!

You spend so much of your time at work it makes sense to do something that you are best suited to and something that you enjoy!

It will be just like taking your car in for a service! But this time we will be looking under the bonnet of your career!

Content of the ebook:

Produce your career and life goals

Know what direction you need to move in

Know what is important to you in a career and what is not

Produce a winning CV that sells you as a person

Answer any interview question that is thrown at you

Overcome any interview nerves

Communicate your strengths without bragging

Understand what interviewers are looking for in a potential candidate

Prepare and plan beforehand to ensure a successful interview

Negotiate for a better pay deal

Negotiate for better terms and conditions

If you are ambitious and know you have not yet reached your full potential then the exercises and insights in this book could support you on your way to a improved lifestyle.


2014年05月07日 17時 水曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>

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1円大量10個! 車用ダッシュボード滑り止めシート クリアグリーン



Title:1円大量10個! 車用ダッシュボード滑り止めシート クリアグリーン


2014年05月07日 12時 水曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>

中古/古本/気功治療 手から出る気が血液と骨と細胞を生かす 難病をも治すAST気功医学/日本AST協会/監修
■著者:日本AST協会/監修 ■作者ヨミ:ニホン/エ−エステイ−/キヨウカイ ■タイトルヨミ:キコウ チリヨウ テ カラ デル キ ガ ケツエキ ト ホネ ト サイボウ オ イカス ナンビヨウ オモ ナオス エ−エステイ− キコウ イガク ■出版社:St.Columbia University Press


2014年05月07日 07時 水曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>

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