Bits and Pieces of HART: Poems
A simple book of poems for all to enjoy

2014年04月26日 07時 土曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>
CONCERT / Headache and Heartburn(CD)(2014/3/5)

2014年04月26日 05時 土曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>
Where the Meadowlark Sings: in Spoon River Country
Family—the very word evokes foundation, roots, genealogy, warmth, and belonging. A family is a treasured gift from God, our heavenly Father.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, our family was broken by our mother's untimely death. By faith and God's grace, our father was able to keep us together as a family unit. It takes much prayer and wisdom to raise a child and especially four of them.
Now in my own elder years, I am very thankful for this gift. How very empty and alone I would have been without knowing my father and brothers. Without being a part of this common ancestry and lineage. Wondering forever: Who am I? Why am I here? Instead I have inherited this unity, singleness of heart and bond of understanding that begins on the day of birth upon bonding with mother and father.
Family! Treasure it. Hold each member to your heart and never let them go.

2014年04月20日 07時 日曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>
Where the Meadowlark Sings: in Spoon River Country
Family—the very word evokes foundation, roots, genealogy, warmth, and belonging. A family is a treasured gift from God, our heavenly Father.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, our family was broken by our mother's untimely death. By faith and God's grace, our father was able to keep us together as a family unit. It takes much prayer and wisdom to raise a child and especially four of them.
Now in my own elder years, I am very thankful for this gift. How very empty and alone I would have been without knowing my father and brothers. Without being a part of this common ancestry and lineage. Wondering forever: Who am I? Why am I here? Instead I have inherited this unity, singleness of heart and bond of understanding that begins on the day of birth upon bonding with mother and father.
Family! Treasure it. Hold each member to your heart and never let them go.

2014年04月20日 07時 日曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>
2014年04月20日 05時 日曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>