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冒険価格!.hack OP Fiction Junction YUUKA Silly-Go-Round。



Title:冒険価格!.hack OP Fiction Junction YUUKA Silly-Go-Round。


2014年02月22日 03時 土曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>

Amanda's Uncle Bob Eats Drinks and Walks TOO Much?: Starting Conversations ASAP with Amanda (Pre-Addictions Eduacational Series)
Pre-Addictions Educational Series:

"Starting Conversations ASAP with Amanda" is a way to discuss difficult topics with your child such as topics that revolve around addiction, loss of a loved one and more difficult issues.

*Fact: Teens who learn about the risk of drugs from their parents are up to 50% less likely to use drugs. (NIDA 2013)

Our first book in the series is "Amanda's Uncle Bob, Eats, Drinks And Walks ....TOO much!" The book's main character and host, Amanda Cope, takes your child on a journey with her mommy to her Uncle Bob's house. After a long train ride they arrive at Uncle Bob's home only to find he isn't there because he ate too much. The story then continues through several other scenarios with Uncle Bob overdoing everything in his life - even walking too much. Yes, doing too much of a good thing is out of balance.

Our host "Amanda Cope" engages your child at various points in the book to engage your child in a conversation and help develop critical thinking around the book's theme "over doing things!"

Addiction effects one out of five people, addiction is like eye color if one parent has blue eyes the child has a 50% chance of having the disease.We believe delaying these conversations and life coping skills to the fifth grade is too late. Jim Rauth is a AODA counselor and says, "You would be surprised how often I hear clients tell me they started using drugs at age 8, frightening isn't it?"

The book is geared for children 5 to 9 years old or as soon as you feel your child is ready to grasp these life saving concepts.


2014年02月21日 09時 金曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>

Kobe Bryant 00-01 Upper Deck #434 PR



Title:Kobe Bryant 00-01 Upper Deck #434 PR


2014年02月20日 02時 木曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>

【RCP】【金芽米】【タニタ】東洋ライス タニタ食堂の金芽米 ごはん3食
商品説明名称包装米飯(白米)原材料名うるち米(国内産)内容量160g入3食賞味期限製造日より8ヶ月保存方法直射日光を避け、常温で保存してください。販売者トーヨーライス株式会社東京都中央区銀座5-10-13タニタ食堂の金芽米ごはん 160g3食        電子レンジ使用
***店舗内組み合わせ自由で同一梱包可能12kまで同一料金***(但しクール便扱い除く)       美味しい!ヘルシー!いつもの量でカロリーダウン!
Template by Crow's nest 忍者ブログ [PR]