ベビーフィンガー歯ブラシ 12個入り BABY FINGER TOOTHBRUSH 【メール便不可】
シリコン製、指サック型のベビーフィンガー歯ブラシです。サック上部に小さな突起が付いていて、優しくお口のケアをサポートします。 歯ブラシが上手く扱えない赤ちゃん、乳幼児でも、安心して歯磨きが行えます。(大人の指にはめて、磨いてあげてください) 愛犬の歯磨きや、介護の現場でもご活用ください。
2015年08月03日 07時 月曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>
ベビーフィンガー歯ブラシ 12個入り BABY FINGER TOOTHBRUSH 【メール便不可】
シリコン製、指サック型のベビーフィンガー歯ブラシです。サック上部に小さな突起が付いていて、優しくお口のケアをサポートします。 歯ブラシが上手く扱えない赤ちゃん、乳幼児でも、安心して歯磨きが行えます。(大人の指にはめて、磨いてあげてください) 愛犬の歯磨きや、介護の現場でもご活用ください。
2015年08月03日 07時 月曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>
美少女ゲーム楽曲を数多く手掛けるkors kのボーカルコンピレーションアルバムがついに完成! ゲームタイアップ曲やリミックス曲を中心に、書き下ろしも含め、kors k本人による厳選したボーカルトラックをセレクション。 『夜明け前より瑠璃色な MC』 音楽集 「Future Passport」 収録の「深青Philosophy」(Meltic Summer ver.)は、本アルバム限定でボーカルVer.を収録! いまや入手困難となったレア音源も収録した究極決定盤! used0130_cd
2015年08月03日 00時 月曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>
美少女ゲーム楽曲を数多く手掛けるkors kのボーカルコンピレーションアルバムがついに完成! ゲームタイアップ曲やリミックス曲を中心に、書き下ろしも含め、kors k本人による厳選したボーカルトラックをセレクション。 『夜明け前より瑠璃色な MC』 音楽集 「Future Passport」 収録の「深青Philosophy」(Meltic Summer ver.)は、本アルバム限定でボーカルVer.を収録! いまや入手困難となったレア音源も収録した究極決定盤! used0130_cd
2015年08月03日 00時 月曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>
咲 saki シノハユ 1巻 メロンブックス特典 ブックカバー
Title:咲 saki シノハユ 1巻 メロンブックス特典 ブックカバー
2015年08月02日 22時 日曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>
咲 saki シノハユ 1巻 メロンブックス特典 ブックカバー
Title:咲 saki シノハユ 1巻 メロンブックス特典 ブックカバー
2015年08月02日 22時 日曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>
The Family Caregiver's Survival Guide Reference Section: The Family Caregiver's Survival Guide (English Edition)
The Family Caregiver's Survival Guide is an essential reference book for anyone undertaking the long-term care of a loved one. For over twenty years the author has been engaged in the day to day care of four separate and distinct family members, and in his attempt to help others in similar situations, this book is the result. It is not all sweetness and light in its telling, and deals frankly with the type of realities few will discuss. Even if you believe that God granted you the gift of becoming a caregiver, that doesn't mean that you will either enjoy every minute of the job or just naturally know how to be one.
The first book describes a detailed personal journey for the author through the myriad day to day to week to year to..., activities involved in such care, along with tips and tidbits on how to both accomplish this sometimes rewarding, sometimes not, job, and how to stay sane in the process. As is true for all, while his experiences are often unique to his caregiving situation, many of them also share a great deal of commonality for all to benefit from.
The second book concerns a state by state reference section on anything and everything available to the family caregiving situation. Organized under individual state headings, this section is an invaluable treasure trove of what might be found in the reader's state and sometimes municipality to assist both the caregiver and care-given in their long and healthy mutual lifestyles.
This book has deliberately been priced at the Kindle minimum in order to be available to the widest possible audience.
The Family Caregiver's survival Guide. Essential state resource+ personal guide-2 sides of caregiving. Not Pollyannaish, real people/family CG. Also on Kindle,$.99
2015年08月01日 17時 土曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>
The Family Caregiver's Survival Guide Reference Section: The Family Caregiver's Survival Guide (English Edition)
The Family Caregiver's Survival Guide is an essential reference book for anyone undertaking the long-term care of a loved one. For over twenty years the author has been engaged in the day to day care of four separate and distinct family members, and in his attempt to help others in similar situations, this book is the result. It is not all sweetness and light in its telling, and deals frankly with the type of realities few will discuss. Even if you believe that God granted you the gift of becoming a caregiver, that doesn't mean that you will either enjoy every minute of the job or just naturally know how to be one.
The first book describes a detailed personal journey for the author through the myriad day to day to week to year to..., activities involved in such care, along with tips and tidbits on how to both accomplish this sometimes rewarding, sometimes not, job, and how to stay sane in the process. As is true for all, while his experiences are often unique to his caregiving situation, many of them also share a great deal of commonality for all to benefit from.
The second book concerns a state by state reference section on anything and everything available to the family caregiving situation. Organized under individual state headings, this section is an invaluable treasure trove of what might be found in the reader's state and sometimes municipality to assist both the caregiver and care-given in their long and healthy mutual lifestyles.
This book has deliberately been priced at the Kindle minimum in order to be available to the widest possible audience.
The Family Caregiver's survival Guide. Essential state resource+ personal guide-2 sides of caregiving. Not Pollyannaish, real people/family CG. Also on Kindle,$.99
2015年08月01日 17時 土曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>
ジャンク!DELL INSPIRON 580S●Core i5 650 3.2G 6G 80G Sマルチ
Title:ジャンク!DELL INSPIRON 580S●Core i5 650 3.2G 6G 80G Sマルチ
2015年08月01日 15時 土曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>
ジャンク!DELL INSPIRON 580S●Core i5 650 3.2G 6G 80G Sマルチ
Title:ジャンク!DELL INSPIRON 580S●Core i5 650 3.2G 6G 80G Sマルチ
2015年08月01日 15時 土曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>