Body Hackers: Cyber Murders (English Edition)
This book sheds light on a major crime that is rampant under-the-radar. Individuals and groups (known as gangstalkers) are using radio frequency energy to electronically target and harm people. Also known as electronic harassment, this cyber crime is increasing exponentially, and the perpetrators are literally getting away with murder. Harassed individuals, known as targeted individuals (TIs) die of heart attacks or collapse and die, with no specific cause; TIs commit suicide, or get diagnosed with rare cancers, or mental illness. Targeted Individuals in society are maligned and isolated. TIs are victimized twice by a society that does not know what is happening. Society currently labels TIs as mentally ill. This book sheds light on cyber attacks and seeks to stop these crimes. It also provides relief methods for targeted individuals. It specifically asks lawyers, police, coroners, and medical professionals to learn about this crime, learn how to spot it, and help TIs. With public awareness, methods and laws to catch these cyber criminals must be enacted.

2015年10月11日 00時 日曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>
Body Hackers: Cyber Murders (English Edition)
This book sheds light on a major crime that is rampant under-the-radar. Individuals and groups (known as gangstalkers) are using radio frequency energy to electronically target and harm people. Also known as electronic harassment, this cyber crime is increasing exponentially, and the perpetrators are literally getting away with murder. Harassed individuals, known as targeted individuals (TIs) die of heart attacks or collapse and die, with no specific cause; TIs commit suicide, or get diagnosed with rare cancers, or mental illness. Targeted Individuals in society are maligned and isolated. TIs are victimized twice by a society that does not know what is happening. Society currently labels TIs as mentally ill. This book sheds light on cyber attacks and seeks to stop these crimes. It also provides relief methods for targeted individuals. It specifically asks lawyers, police, coroners, and medical professionals to learn about this crime, learn how to spot it, and help TIs. With public awareness, methods and laws to catch these cyber criminals must be enacted.

2015年10月11日 00時 日曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>