The Book of Proverbs in Haiku
The Book of Proverbs, as we see it in scripture, can sometimes seem quite far removed from what the proverbs originally would have been. They would have been wise words and sayings that would have been passed around and quoted among people and only eventually written down for posterity. Now when we approach the proverbs they are inexplicably part of a list of collected wisdom, often without separation. Some people may quote from scripture to make a point or read a selection of proverbs as part of a bible reading but rarely do we allow the space, physically and literally, to read the proverbs as singular sayings or poetry. The proverbs could be perhaps most likened to haiku poems in theme and length and so this book is an attempt to rediscover the proverbs as singular poems or snapshots of wisdom, to be appreciated and given the space to grow in our minds and hearts.

2014年02月12日 01時 水曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>
The Book of Proverbs in Haiku
The Book of Proverbs, as we see it in scripture, can sometimes seem quite far removed from what the proverbs originally would have been. They would have been wise words and sayings that would have been passed around and quoted among people and only eventually written down for posterity. Now when we approach the proverbs they are inexplicably part of a list of collected wisdom, often without separation. Some people may quote from scripture to make a point or read a selection of proverbs as part of a bible reading but rarely do we allow the space, physically and literally, to read the proverbs as singular sayings or poetry. The proverbs could be perhaps most likened to haiku poems in theme and length and so this book is an attempt to rediscover the proverbs as singular poems or snapshots of wisdom, to be appreciated and given the space to grow in our minds and hearts.

2014年02月12日 01時 水曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>